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Dr. Morgan Oaks is a chiropractor, transformational speaker, Certified High Performance Coach, NLP practioner, Reiki Master, and shamanic practitioner who has been supporting peoples’ personal empowerment in a number of different ways for over 18 years.

It was during a very difficult and extended period of time leading up to 2005 that Morgan experienced his spiritual awakening.

This time opened him to lots of new people, words, ideas, and views on soul and the world we live in.

This is also when he started sensing other ways of healing and being healed.

Although completely new to him, these concepts and experiences felt "more true" to him than his previous 30 years of life.

In the last 18 years since this awakening he has had a voracious appetite for learning and studying with teachers from around the world.

There isn't just one pathway up the mountain, and there are numerous ways of approaching a holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

The one thing Morgan has learned in all this time is that a good conversation can make all the difference.

Sometimes what people need is simple.  A conversation.  A book or video suggestion.  A single practice.  

Sometimes it requires more.

Schedule a complimentary 15 minute call below.

Let's have that conversation.

Take that simple first step toward healing.


"I felt as if Dr. Morgan had walked a similar path I found myself on and always gave valuable, perspective shifting insights. He helped me navigate a devastating emotional trauma and learn, grow, and become a stronger man for it. With his talents and his ability to genuinely connect with human beings, Dr. Morgan Oaks can help you create a balanced life, find peace, and ignite the fire in your soul to live your true passions."

Ben C.

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